Command list.
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Command list.
Here is the full command list used on Classic COD Servers.
Infinity Admin Mod (IAM)'s command
- !status - Show every player's client numbers.
- !yell [Name/All] - Write a message on a player or all player's screen.
- !rules - Display the rules.
- !kick [Name] - Kick a player from the server.
- !kickc [CN] - Kick a player by his client number.
- !ban [Name] - Ban a player from the server.
- !banc [CN] - Ban a player by his client number.
- !tmpban [Name] - Ban a player for a given time.
- !warn [Name] - Warn a player, two warns will tempban the player.
- !unwarn [Name] - Remove a player's warn.
- !addimmune [Name] - Add a player to the immune's list.
- !getxuid - See your xuid, useful for admins to setup their server.
- !gettype - See what user type you are (for example admin, moderator, vip or user).
- !xuid - Show your XUID.
- !help - Show the commands available.
- !pm [CN] - PM a player by his client number, be warned, spaces are deleted.
- !vote [Kick/Map] - Vote to kick a player or change the map.
- !y - Agree to vote.
- !n - Disagree to vote.
- !vy - Agree to vote.
- !vn - Disagree to vote.
- !ping - Show your current ping.
- !maxping - Show the highest ping.
- !minping - Show the lowest ping.
- !add [Name] [Group] - Add a player to a group.
- !rel - Reload the configuration.
- !fastrestart - Restart the map.
- !pi [Name] - Get a player's name, XUID, client number and warn.
- !pl - Get all players' name, XUID, client number and warn.
- !addword [Word] - Add a word to the badword list.
- !reserved - Kick the player with the highest ping to make room.
- !rcon [Command] (Common options. I will not display all the command due to some being hard to use.)
- kickclient [CN] - Tempban a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- kick [Name] - Tempban a player by his name.
- Kick all - Kick all players from the server.
- drop - Kick a player by his name.
- dropclient - Kick a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- ban [Name] - Ban a player by his name.
- banClient [CN] - Ban a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- unban [player name] - This will unban a user according to the player's name.
- map_restart - This will restart the current map.
- fast_restart - This reload the current round without fully restarting (showing the loading screen) the map.
- map [Map name] - This will load the given map.
Infinity Admin Mod (IAM)'s command
- !admintest - Show your rank.
- !pm [Name] - PM a player.
- !kick/!k [Name] - Kick a player.
- !tmpban/!tb [Name] - Ban a player for 30 minutes.
- !slot [Name] - Kick a player with a message to tell him you need a slot for a staff member.
- !warn/!w [Name] - Warn a player.
- !unwarn/!uw [Name] - Unwarn a player.
- !abalance - Enable team balance.
- !time - Display the server time by PM.
- @time - Display the server time to all.
- !rules - Display the rules.
- !maplist - Get the map list.
- !guid - Display your GUID.
- !help - Display the available commands.
- !register - Register your stats. (Kill/Death/Ratio.)
- !xlrstats - Display your stats. (Kill/Death/Ratio.)
- !nextmap - Display the name of the next map and mode.
- !myteam - Show your team name.
- !votekick [Name] - Starts a votekick against a player.
- !vy - Agree to the vote.
- !vn - Disagree to the vote.
- !block [Name] - Mute a player.
- !unblock [Name] - Unmute a player
- !blocklist/!blist - Display the mutted players.
- !res - Restart the current map by loading it again.
- !dbalance - Disable balance.
- !restart - Restart the current round without loading the map again.
- !yell [Name/All] - Write a message that will be displayer in a player or all player's screens.
- !ban/!b [Name] - Ban a player from the server.
- !maprotate/!mr - Make the next map in the map rotation load.
- !map [Map name] - Load a given map.
- !say - Write a message that will be said by the console.
- !scream - Write a message that will be said in 9 different colors by the console.
- !setnextmap [Map name] - Set a given map to be next in the rotation.
- !sxlr [Name] - Show another player's stats.
- !vfr - Vote to restart the map.
- !vm - Vote to change the map.
- !vc - Cancel the current vote.
- !balance - Balance the teams.
- !vgl - Display the gametype list for the votes.
- !vml - Display the map list for the votes.
- !get [DSPL] - Change the current gamemode and map.
- !mod [DSPL] - Change the current gamemode (dspl).
- !gametype [Map] [DSPL] - Change the current gamemode and map for a given one.
- !ngt [DSPL] - Set a gamemode for the next map.
- !admins - Display online admins by PM.
- @admins - Display online admins to all.
- !setmaxping [1 - 1199] - Set the ping limit.
- !maxping [On - Off] - Turn the ping limit in or off.
- !speed [Value] - Change the game speed.
- !gravity [Value] - Change the game gravity.
- !jump [Value] - Change the game jump height.
- !badword [On - Off] - Turn knifing or off.
- !knife [On - Off] - Turn the language warns on or off.
- !addword [Word] - Add a word to the badword list.
- !hc [On - Off] - Turn hardcore mode on or off.
- !kill [Name] - Kill a player with a javelin missile.
- !killed - Display the name of the player who killed you.
- !load [.dll name] - Load a script.
- !unload [.dll name] - Unload a script.
- !setteam [Name] [Allies - Axis - Spectator] - Change a player's team.
- !inf [Name] - Give a player's ID, Name, IP, HP, Weapon and camos.
- !kc [On - Off] - Turn killcams on or off.
- !addbot - Add a bot to the game.
- !jsg - Reset gravity/speed/jump
- !rcon [Command] (Common options. I will not display all the command due to some being hard to use.)
- kickclient [CN] - Tempban a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- kick [Name] - Tempban a player by his name.
- Kick all - Kick all players from the server.
- drop - Kick a player by his name.
- dropclient - Kick a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- ban [Name] - Ban a player by his name.
- banClient [CN] - Ban a player by his client number. (Use !status to get it.)
- unban [player name] - This will unban a user according to the player's name.
- map_restart - This will restart the current map.
- fast_restart - This reload the current round without fully restarting (showing the loading screen) the map.
- map [Map name] - This will load the given map.
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