Commands For Admins
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Commands For Admins
!help (Displays each command of your own level)
!access (Setting a password, if there is a non identified player he can do a manual login for SuperAdmin)
!login (Setting a password, allows admins and moderators to activate commands trough the chat(an implemantary protection against GUID and XUID theft))
!suicide (Kills the Player)
!admins (Displays a list of Admins and Mods Online)
!time (Displays time and date)
!rules (Displays game rules)
!team (Gives the opportunity tho the player to change immediately team in game)
!ver (Displays ServerControll version )
!votemap (Starts votation to change the map)
!votemod (Starts votation to change game manner)
!votekick (Starts votation to Kick Player)
!voteban (Starts votation to Ban Player)
!y (Vote yes)
!n (Vote no)
!fov (Set the fov)
!iamgod (Use at the first launch to set the first Admin, after it will disactivate)
!report (Reports a player that he is a cheater)
!register (Activates the registration of players statistichs)
!xlrstats (Displays players statistichs)
!xlrtopstats (Displays the best 3 players)
!nextmap (Displays next map)
!afk (Sets you in spectators)
!ft (Changes your filmtweak 0-10)
!fps (Boosts your fps 1-3)
!pm (Send private messages to a player)
!spam (Allows you to write something in the console)
!scream (Displays a message for five times from the console in different colors)
!mod (Changes game manner, to use whit files .dsr preconfigurated)
!kick o !k (Kicks player)
!list (Displays a list whit the players and it's relatives ID, usefull for kick or ban)
!maprotate (Changes random maps)
!restart (Restarts the Map)
!fast (FastRestarts the Map)
!map (Changes the desired map)
!votecancel (To cancel the actual votation)
!warn (Warns a Player)
!unwarn (Deletes player warns)
!warnlist (Warn list)
!password (Launches the protection with password. Alternative method than usual password)
!showpass (Shows password)
!statuspass (Shows if protection is activated or not)
!reportlist (Shows a list with reported players as cheater)
!unreport o !ur (Delete player from Hack list)
!setnextmaps (Sets the next map)
!listbadwords (Shows a list with a BadWords)
!info (Show info player)
!resetfog (Reset Fog for all player)
!balance (Balances the teams)
!alias (Show alias player)
!ateam (Send a private message to all the Admin present in game)
!mteam (Send a private message to all the Admin and Moderators present in game)
!tempban o !tb (Bans temporary a player for a few minutes that you have to specify [!tempban player min reason])
!untempban o !utb (Delete a player from TempBan list)
!banlist (Shows banned players list)
!tempbanlist (Shows Temporary banned players list)
!editpass (Modify protection password)
!warnclear (Delete the warns of every player)
!mute (Mutes a player)
!unmute (Smutes a player)
!setafk (Set player in spectator mode)
!bot (Join Bot, Compatible only with PlusMW3 [!bot (e)nemy ,!bot (f)riendly] or !bot numberbots)
!kb (Kill all bot)
!loadbots (It always keeps the server 10 player entering the bots in place of players missing, not compatible for TeknoMW3)
!setpw (Sets the classic access password)
!night (Activates or deactivates a manner of game like by night)
!ban o !b (Bans user with new method, it bans NICK, ID, GUID, XUID, IP)
!unban o !ub (Unbana a user with new method)
!ban2 o !b2 (Classic method to ban a player)
!unban2 o !ub2 (Unbans a user with classic method)
!kill (Kills a specific player (!kill player [null, uav, ac130, ims, remote, sam, m320, rpg, smaw, stinger, xm23]))
!voting (Deactivates or Activates votation only for that match)
!chat (Deactivates or Activates users chat, except for Admin)
!status (Shows Jump, speed and gravity levels)
!changeteam (Changes a players team)
!update (Controll Update script)
!minefield (Places minefields everywhere)
!endround (Ends the round)
!spect (Spectator other player team)
!fire (Surrounds a player with a sparks cloud)
!eb (Turns on ExplosionBullets)
!exitlist (List the last 5 players left)
!banexit (Ban player from the list the last left)
!tempbanexit o !tbe (Ban player from the list the last left for nr. minutes [!tempbanexit player min])
!add (Adds a player to mod or admin [!add player group])
!del (Deletes a player to mod or admin [!del player])
!downgrade (Removes admin or mod grade only for one round)
!setclient (Sets a value to all connected users)
!load (Loads a script file)
!unload (Downloads a script file)
!j (Sets jump level)
!s (Sets player speed)
!g (Sets in-game gravity)
!reboot (Restarts the server file .exe)
!addbadwords (Adds a word to Bad Words list)
!delbadwords (Deletes a word to Bad Words list)
!addadv (Adds a new ADV)
!addrules (Adds a new Rules)
!resetcontroll (Reset a default level command)
!svname (Change the Server Name)
!invisiblegod (You become an unhittable god)
!ac130 (AC130 portable select 25-40-105 [!ac130 25 or !ac130 25 player])
!sb (Turns on SearchersBullets)
!ammo (Reload Ammo [Me-NickPlayer-All])
!god (Set Godmode [Me-NickPlayer])
!unfreez (UnFrozen a player [Me-NickPlayer])
!freez (Frozen a player [Me-NickPlayer])
!fly (Enable fly [Me-NickPlayer])
!bomb (Block placement of the bomb)
!uav (Enable UAV for your Team)
!tp (Teleport [!tp nick or !tp nick nick])
!cw (Change weapon [!cw mp7 or !cw mp7 player])
!access (Setting a password, if there is a non identified player he can do a manual login for SuperAdmin)
!login (Setting a password, allows admins and moderators to activate commands trough the chat(an implemantary protection against GUID and XUID theft))
!suicide (Kills the Player)
!admins (Displays a list of Admins and Mods Online)
!time (Displays time and date)
!rules (Displays game rules)
!team (Gives the opportunity tho the player to change immediately team in game)
!ver (Displays ServerControll version )
!votemap (Starts votation to change the map)
!votemod (Starts votation to change game manner)
!votekick (Starts votation to Kick Player)
!voteban (Starts votation to Ban Player)
!y (Vote yes)
!n (Vote no)
!fov (Set the fov)
!iamgod (Use at the first launch to set the first Admin, after it will disactivate)
!report (Reports a player that he is a cheater)
!register (Activates the registration of players statistichs)
!xlrstats (Displays players statistichs)
!xlrtopstats (Displays the best 3 players)
!nextmap (Displays next map)
!afk (Sets you in spectators)
!ft (Changes your filmtweak 0-10)
!fps (Boosts your fps 1-3)
!pm (Send private messages to a player)
!spam (Allows you to write something in the console)
!scream (Displays a message for five times from the console in different colors)
!mod (Changes game manner, to use whit files .dsr preconfigurated)
!kick o !k (Kicks player)
!list (Displays a list whit the players and it's relatives ID, usefull for kick or ban)
!maprotate (Changes random maps)
!restart (Restarts the Map)
!fast (FastRestarts the Map)
!map (Changes the desired map)
!votecancel (To cancel the actual votation)
!warn (Warns a Player)
!unwarn (Deletes player warns)
!warnlist (Warn list)
!password (Launches the protection with password. Alternative method than usual password)
!showpass (Shows password)
!statuspass (Shows if protection is activated or not)
!reportlist (Shows a list with reported players as cheater)
!unreport o !ur (Delete player from Hack list)
!setnextmaps (Sets the next map)
!listbadwords (Shows a list with a BadWords)
!info (Show info player)
!resetfog (Reset Fog for all player)
!balance (Balances the teams)
!alias (Show alias player)
!ateam (Send a private message to all the Admin present in game)
!mteam (Send a private message to all the Admin and Moderators present in game)
!tempban o !tb (Bans temporary a player for a few minutes that you have to specify [!tempban player min reason])
!untempban o !utb (Delete a player from TempBan list)
!banlist (Shows banned players list)
!tempbanlist (Shows Temporary banned players list)
!editpass (Modify protection password)
!warnclear (Delete the warns of every player)
!mute (Mutes a player)
!unmute (Smutes a player)
!setafk (Set player in spectator mode)
!bot (Join Bot, Compatible only with PlusMW3 [!bot (e)nemy ,!bot (f)riendly] or !bot numberbots)
!kb (Kill all bot)
!loadbots (It always keeps the server 10 player entering the bots in place of players missing, not compatible for TeknoMW3)
!setpw (Sets the classic access password)
!night (Activates or deactivates a manner of game like by night)
!ban o !b (Bans user with new method, it bans NICK, ID, GUID, XUID, IP)
!unban o !ub (Unbana a user with new method)
!ban2 o !b2 (Classic method to ban a player)
!unban2 o !ub2 (Unbans a user with classic method)
!kill (Kills a specific player (!kill player [null, uav, ac130, ims, remote, sam, m320, rpg, smaw, stinger, xm23]))
!voting (Deactivates or Activates votation only for that match)
!chat (Deactivates or Activates users chat, except for Admin)
!status (Shows Jump, speed and gravity levels)
!changeteam (Changes a players team)
!update (Controll Update script)
!minefield (Places minefields everywhere)
!endround (Ends the round)
!spect (Spectator other player team)
!fire (Surrounds a player with a sparks cloud)
!eb (Turns on ExplosionBullets)
!exitlist (List the last 5 players left)
!banexit (Ban player from the list the last left)
!tempbanexit o !tbe (Ban player from the list the last left for nr. minutes [!tempbanexit player min])
!add (Adds a player to mod or admin [!add player group])
!del (Deletes a player to mod or admin [!del player])
!downgrade (Removes admin or mod grade only for one round)
!setclient (Sets a value to all connected users)
!load (Loads a script file)
!unload (Downloads a script file)
!j (Sets jump level)
!s (Sets player speed)
!g (Sets in-game gravity)
!reboot (Restarts the server file .exe)
!addbadwords (Adds a word to Bad Words list)
!delbadwords (Deletes a word to Bad Words list)
!addadv (Adds a new ADV)
!addrules (Adds a new Rules)
!resetcontroll (Reset a default level command)
!svname (Change the Server Name)
!invisiblegod (You become an unhittable god)
!ac130 (AC130 portable select 25-40-105 [!ac130 25 or !ac130 25 player])
!sb (Turns on SearchersBullets)
!ammo (Reload Ammo [Me-NickPlayer-All])
!god (Set Godmode [Me-NickPlayer])
!unfreez (UnFrozen a player [Me-NickPlayer])
!freez (Frozen a player [Me-NickPlayer])
!fly (Enable fly [Me-NickPlayer])
!bomb (Block placement of the bomb)
!uav (Enable UAV for your Team)
!tp (Teleport [!tp nick or !tp nick nick])
!cw (Change weapon [!cw mp7 or !cw mp7 player])
GhostMasakiNew User - Messages : 2
Inscription Date : 2016-02-28
Re: Commands For Admins
sure , just wanted to post something )
GhostMasakiNew User - Messages : 2
Inscription Date : 2016-02-28
Re: Commands For Admins
Wait, so we have the commands on the above list or is it a new plugin?
[CCS]DanteAdministrator - Messages : 467
Inscription Date : 2013-08-16
Localization : Wherever the weed at
Re: Commands For Admins
no, he just suggested it.[CCS]Dante wrote:Wait, so we have the commands on the above list or is it a new plugin?
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